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Beautiful Tourmaline Quartz Chip Bracelet, this harnesses the benefits of both tourmaline and quartz.

Chakra - Third Eye and Root

Zodiac - Libra and Scorpio

Numerology - 4

Planetary Association - Unknown

Element - Earth

TOURMALINE QUARTZ brings together the properties of Black Tourmaline and Quartz, Tourmaline purifies one's own energies and protects from negativity, whilst Quartz amplifies energies focused through it. This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz a powerful shield-stone that, depending on the desire of the holder, can amplify and return negative energy, or can convert negative energy to positive energy, Tourmaline Quartz is a very effective grounding stone, and helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies, alleviating self-sabotage.

Tourmaline Quartz / Tourmalinated Chip Bracelet

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